The Basics of the Theory of the Sociogenesis

The Summary

      The basic mechanisms of the civilisation development are described in the treatise.
      The most important properties of a society are :
         the methods of stimulation of workers,
         the rights of members of a society,
         the methods of possession of the main riches of a society,
         the methods of governance of a society,
         kinds of interrelations of societies.
      The development of the properties is shown.

      The reasons and conditions of changes of the properties are specified.
      Determining of the properties by the technologies which dominate in the economy in the corresponding periods of
         the history, is proved.
      The future civilisation development is predicted on the basis of the presented conception of a society development.


The Preamble

The work purpose is description of the main factors and mechanisms which cause the historical changes of the basic properties of a society.

The basic properties of a society are the following:
The prevailing method of stimulation of workers to work.
The rights of the majority of members of a society.
The kind of possession of the main riches of a society.
The kind of the governance system of a society.
The kind of relations between societies.

For example, during the capitalism Epoch:
The prevailing method of stimulation of workers is financial incentives.
The rights of members of a society are : to the life, to the immunity of a person and property, to participation in the influence on the power system.
The kind of possession of the main riches of a society is the private property.
The kind of the governance system of a society is the republic.
The kind of relations between societies is the peaceful coexistence.

The public and economic relations are processes of the control. Their properties depend on the technologies applied in the economy. It is the most probable that the dominating public group establishes such properties of these processes at which the group's riches maximise.

The capitalism mechanisms of the influence on:
the method of stimulation of workers are described in section 3.3.1,
the rights of citizens are described in section 4.4.1,
the kind of possession of the main riches of a society are described in section 5.2,
the kind of the governance system of a society are described in section,
the kind of relations between societies are described in section 9.5.1.

The Sociogenesis Diagram graphically displays the Eras and Epochs in the historical development of a society, and also the properties of a society during the corresponding times. It enables to correlate visually the Eras, Epochs and the properties of a society in the times.

The theory is presented in the microthesis format.
Each thesis describes an elementary property of a social system.
All theses are numbered that opponents might easy refer to them and criticize.


The Sociogenesis Diagram

1. The technological evolution

First transition        Second transition        Third transition

The stages of the technological evolution

2. The stimulation

The general properties        The stimulation kinds

The expediency of the stimulation

The preference of incentives

The guarantees of non-use of punishments

3. The technologies influence on a mode of stimulation

The stimulation in muscular technologies

The stimulation in technologies of use of cattle

The stimulation in technologies of the transformation of energy

4. The technologies influence on the rights of people and
on the degree of satisfaction of their requirements

During the Epoch of muscular technologies

During the Epoch of technologies of use of cattle

During the Epoch of technologies of the transformation of energy

5. The Historical change of the methods of
the power realization and of
the possession of the main riches of a society

5.1 The authoritarianism and autocracy

The definitions and postulates         The properties of the dominating group

The functions of the Supreme Head         The authoritarianism determinant

The centralized possession         The allotment possession

The pharaoh state         The feudalism         The absolutism

5.2 The republic

The republic determinant         The power system

The party system         The determinants of the legal system

5.3 The historical establishment of the republic

The properties of the normal process         The political transformation

The revolutionary deviations

6. The optimum system of the republic
during the Epoch of the machine technologies

The power system

Sources of state and local budgets

The judicial system         The bourgeois republic

7. The types of republics deviating from the optimum system

Creation of the ideology of democracy

The defects of the democracy

Taxes and duties are rudiments of the authoritarianism

The vicious legal paradigm

The concept of separation of the powers

Results of democracy in 20th century

Social democracy

Social democratic economy

The consumer society

Implanting democracy in less developed countries

Resources of social democracy

Prospects of social democracy

8. Authoritarianism during the Epoch of the machine technologies

The possible scenarios         The properties of the centralised governance

Stimulation of enterprises         Stimulation of a state apparatus

Probability of authoritarianism         Pseudo-authoritarianism

Totalitarianism during the Epoch of the machine technologies

The psychological mechanisms of totalitarianism

The regime of the power of fanatics

The natural termination of totalitarianism

9. The historical establishment of the principles of
interrelations between societies

The evolution of purposes of wars

Small probability of wars during the Epoch of machines

The separatism

10. The historical changes of the functions of the religion

Shamanism and theocracy         Establishment of monotheism

The separateness of a state and churches

11. The Epoch X

The properties of the computer technology

The properties of intellectual activity

The era of the scientific consciousness

The artificial world language

The psychophysiological mechanisms of creativity

The rights of people during the Epoch of computer technologies

Disappearance of the private property institute and of
the phenomenon of exploitation of people

Disappearance of the institute of the copyright

Formation of the public sector of the economy

Establishment of the public governance of the economy

The network political system

The international relations         The new regionalism

12. The Epoch Y

The artificial recognizer of objects

The properties of the scientific activity

Disappearance of the commodity-money system

Formation of the Democracy         Integration of the Mankind

13. The Epoch Z